• dralkasinha@blkhospital.com
  • +919717014446

Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy

Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy is a laparoscopic procedure performed in order to correct prolapse of the vaginal vault after hysterectomy. It is a condition which occurs when the connective tissue surrounding the vagina fails to hold it in its natural orientation. The connective tissue become weak with age, weight gain, childbirth or strenuous physical labor. Loss of the support structures cut during hysterectomy is also a contributing factor. Women experiencing prolapse might suffer from a sensation of weakness or bulge, discomfort, urinary or bowel problems, pelvic pain or pressure, vaginal ulceration and sexual dysfunction. 

Laparoscopic sacro-colpopexy is carried out using key hole surgery under general anaesthesia.. The operation is intended to support the vaginal vault and correct associated vaginal prolapse. In this surgery the vaginal vault is suspended from the lower back bone (sacrum) with the help of a mesh.

This surgery is done using a laparoscope, which is a slender, fiber-optic tube equipped with a miniature camera, lights and surgical instruments inserted through few small cuts ranging from 5mm to 1 cm in length in the abdominal wall. After a small incision is made in or above the belly button, carbon dioxide gas is introduced to distend the abdomen. Laparoscope is put in and additional smaller cuts are made under vision to introduce surgical instruments. A mesh is used to attach the vaginal vault to the top of the sacrum with non absorbable sutures. 

The surgery offers numerous potential benefits compared to traditional open approach. The patient will experience less pain, scarring, risk of infection and minimum loss of blood. This implies the patient will have shorter stay at the hospital and she will be able to resume day-to-day activities in a very short span of time.

This surgery should be performed only by an expert and experienced surgeon to reduce complications and recurrence. It is an advanced surgery and may not be available at all hsopitals. We have successfully done may such surgeries and followed them over years to ensure there was no recurrence.

Advantages of Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy over open surgery 

  • Lesser Blood Loss
  • Lower Post Operative pain
  • Shorter Stay at Hospital.
  • Lesser abdominal wall infections 
  • Fast Recovery from surgery wounds.
  • Less chances of incisional hernia
  • Better cosmetically as small scars

This surgery is an advanced surgery and should be performed only by an expert and experienced surgeon. Please note that just because it is a laparoscopic surgery does not mean it is a minor surgery.

For any Queries or assistance please call: +91 9717014446